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Palm Beach Center for Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, P.A Blog

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Preparing for a Successful Ridge Augmentation: Steps to Take Before Your Procedure

Preparing for a Successful Ridge Augmentation: Steps to Take Before Your Procedure

When you’ve lost teeth due to injury or decay, it’s not just our appearance that is affected; it’s our self-esteem. Ridge augmentation offers the promise of regaining what was lost, enabling us to smile freely and interact with others with out feeling self-conscious. This procedure isn’t just about rebuilding bone, it’s about rebuilding our sense of self and the joy that comes with a complete, confident smile.
The Link Between Gum Recession and Tooth Decay: What You Need to Know

The Link Between Gum Recession and Tooth Decay: What You Need to Know

As we age, our bodies undergo various changes. Our teeth and gums are no exception. Two prevalent dental issues among most adults are gum recession and tooth decay. Gum recession is a dental condition where the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth wears away,, exposing more of the tooth or the tooth's root. On the other hand, tooth decay, is the destruction of your tooth enamel.
What to Expect During and After Pinhole Surgical Technique

What to Expect During and After Pinhole Surgical Technique

One of the most innovative methods that has emerged is the pinhole surgical technique. This procedure has revolutionized the field of gum recession treatment, providing a minimally invasive alternative to traditional gum surgery.
Understanding Periodontal Maintenance: Long-Term Care for Healthy Gums

Understanding Periodontal Maintenance: Long-Term Care for Healthy Gums

Periodontal maintenance, a term that might not be familiar to many, is a crucial aspect of oral health. This maintenance regimen is not just about keeping your teeth clean, but it also extends to the wellbeing of our gums.
Understanding Deep Pockets in Your Gums: Causes and Solutions

Understanding Deep Pockets in Your Gums: Causes and Solutions

Choosing to treat deep pockets in your gums is an act of empowerment. These pockets might seem small, but their impact can be profound. Ignoring them could lead to pain, infection, and even tooth loss, stealing away the joy of simple pleases like your favorite foods and carefree smiles.
Step-by-Step Guide to a Smooth Sinus Augmentation Recovery

Step-by-Step Guide to a Smooth Sinus Augmentation Recovery

Sinus augmentation, a delicate and transformative procedure, holds profound significance for those seeking to regain not just their dental function, but a piece of themselves that was lost. Beyond bridging the gap of a missing tooth, it bridges the chasm of self-consciousness and restricted joy.
The Benefits of LANAP: Advanced Laser Treatment for Gum Disease

The Benefits of LANAP: Advanced Laser Treatment for Gum Disease

Gum disease is an infection that affects the tissues and bone that support the teeth. It's characterized by red, swollen gums, persistent bad breath, and loose teeth. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss and has been linked to systemic health conditions like heart disease and diabetes.
Am I a Candidate For Crown Lengthening?

Am I a Candidate For Crown Lengthening?

Crown lengthening is not just a dental procedure; its a journey towards restoring confidence and regaining control. When circumstances lead to the need for crown lengthening, it’s easy to feel disheartened. Yet, in the hands of skilled professionals, this procedure represents an opportunity to reshape our outlook.
Does LANAP Cure Gum Disease?

Does LANAP Cure Gum Disease?

The urgency of treating gum disease transcends the realm of oral health; it’s a commitment to preserving our vitality and embracing a life unhindered by pain. Each step towards recovery is a declaration of self-worth, an affirmation that we deserve a future unmarred by the discomfort that gum disease can bring. Beyond the physical relief, this journey signifies a profound shift in how we care for ourselves.
Gum Disease and Overall Health: The Surprising Connection

Gum Disease and Overall Health: The Surprising Connection

To learn more about the connection between gum disease and overall health, visit the Palm Beach Center for Periodontics and Implant Dentistry at our office in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Our team of experts will assess the health of your gums and provide the right treatments based on your unique needs. Please call (561) 621-3111 to schedule an appointment today.
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