IV sedation

Introduction to IV Sedation

Although periodontal treatment does not hurt, many patients have a true fear of going to the periodontist. Our practice prides itself on ensuring a positive and pleasant experience for all of our patients. With this in mind, we offer a number of options, that can make even the most anxious patient relaxed.

After a thorough review of your medical history, we will discuss appropriate methods of sedation with you. Some patients may benefit from Oral Sedation (a pill is taken prior to the procedure), while others may benefit from medication given in IV form. In either case, individual needs and appropriate assessments will be completed to determine what modality is most suitable. Dr. Cohen will discuss the options in detail during your treatment planning phase of care.

As a periodontal surgeon, Dr. Cohen has had formal training and certification in IV Sedation. He is licensed and permitted to provide this therapy by the Department of Health in the State of Florida. In addition, our new, state-of-the-art facility has been inspected and approved for IV Sedation.

IV Sedation

IV Sedation is an excellent way to relieve anxiety and stress during your procedure. Prior to beginning your procedure, a small IV is established (typically in your arm). Sedative medications are then given intravenously until the desired effect level is reached. Patients are continually monitored until the completion of the procedure. The areas to be treated still receive local anesthesia prior to the procedure.

Patients who are treated with IV Sedation MAY NOT operate a vehicle or machinery for at least 24 hours from ingestion (therefore, a driver must bring the patient to and from the appointment).

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